mining profitability calculator
btc Mining Profitability Calculator
Too complicated? Try our Mini-calculator
No. of Miners:
Electricity Fee:
Miner Cost:
Power Consumption:
Time Period Price Expected Price Increase Start-diff Difficulty Changement Fee Rate Other Costs
Expected Mining Revenue ROI: 0%

Total Revenue:¥ 0

Total Electricity Cost ¥ 0
Total Other Costs ¥ 0
Total Gross Profit ¥ 0
Total Miner Cost ¥ 0
Expected Max Net Profit ¥0
Expected Shutdown Date 2019.01.01
Recommend to Mine (Gross Profit>0): 0Day
Days to Payback: Can't Payback
Selected Days for Mining: 0Day
NO. Time Network Hashrate Network Difficulty Expected Price Revenue Electricity Cost Gross Profit Total Gross Profit Payback
e54e6a9 e54e6a9dcdb831b19e4d935961ae359a7b619257 master 1734675620052